Asked by: Chester Hupach
Asked in category: style and fashion, fashion trends
Last Updated: 5th May 2024

What was the 80s look like for Michael Jackson?

Michael Jackson Style
Mike's Gieves & Hawkes custom Gieves military jackets made him a style icon. So did his cropped pants, black loafers with white socks, and studded glove. There are also gears.

In the same vein, how did Michael Jackson's influence on fashion in the 1980s?

Michael started a fashion revolution in the 1980s. He adopted a slimmer silhouette and shorter pants. He also embraced bright-colored socks and sequins. The Jackson aesthetic was also influenced by the cropped pants. They showed his socks to make sure you paid attention when he danced.

The question that arose is: What did Michael Jackson wear to thriller? The Thriller jacket is the name given to the red jacket Michael Jackson wore in Michael Jackson's 1983 Thriller video. The candy-apple-red jacket with black strips was designed by Deborah Nadoolman Landis. It is notable for its many zippers, Star Trek-esque star-like shoulder designs, and "M" logo.

What kind of clothes did Michael Jackson use?

Michael Jackson's Fedora is a trademark part of his look. But, its most notable rotation was in 1988’s aSmooth Criminala where MJ wore a sharp, white suit, a navy shirt and a white-and black fedora3.

What watch was Michael Jackson wearing?

Rolex watch