Asked by: Bjorn Hantschke
Asked in category: technology and computing, programming languages, technology and computing, programming languages
Last Updated: 4th Jul 2024

What is WebDriver class or interface?

The simple answer is that WebDriver is an Interface. We are defining a reference variables (drivers) whose type it is interface. Any object that we assign must be an instance(FireFoxDriver), which implements the interface. "

Also, learn about the WebDriver interface and class in selenium.

WebDriver is an Interface in the Selenium documentation, but it is Eclipse's package org. selenium appears in the Project Explorer as a class. Also, if WebDriver is an Interface, the classes like ChromeDriver or InternetExplorerDriver which implement it should be defining the methods like . Get() or. getCurrentUrl() .

What is WebDriver? Definition: Selenium WebDriver refers to a collection open-source APIs that are used for automating the testing of web applications. It is not compatible with window-based applications. It supports various programming languages, including C#, Java and Perl, PHP, Ruby, for writing test scripts.

WebDriver is an interface, not a class.

This is how architecture is designed for Selenium Webdriver. An abstract class can be used in the same way as interface. They cannot be instantiated and may include a mixture of methods that are declared with or without implementation. We can implement multiple interfaces, unlike abstract classes which can only extend one class.

What is the difference between interface and class?

A class describes the attributes or behaviors of an object. An interface includes the behaviors that a implements. A class may contain abstract methods, concrete methods. An interface only contains abstract methods. A class can have members that are public, private, protected, or default.