Asked by: Mohammadi Ferring
Asked in category: hobbies and interests, beekeeping
Last Updated: 7th Jul 2024

Where can you find Wolfsbane?

About Wolfsbane
Aconitum napellus is found in temperate and mountain regions across central and western Europe. The leaves are round and divided into 5-7 well-lobed segments.

Also, Wolfsbane can kill you.

Monkshood (Wolfsbane) poisoning. The neurotoxins aconitine and mesaconitine , can be absorbed via the skin and cause serious respiratory and cardiac problems. Monkshood poisoning is rare, as it tastes bitter and foul tasting and would be quickly thrown out. There is no known remedy.

The question that follows is: Why is it called Wolfsbane, IoII 1/2 I1II?I 1/2, which means 'without struggle'. However, toxins taken from the flower were used historically to kill wolves. This gives rise to its more common title,'Wolfsbane '.

Is Wolfsbane also poisonous for humans?

If the aconitum is eaten or handled with no gloves, poisoning can occur. Aconitum, also known as monkshood or devil's head, is sometimes called wolfsbane because of its toxic poison. It was once used to kill wolves.

Where can I find wolfsbane in the UK

Wolfsbane (aconitum). This beautiful native plant can be found in both wild and garden settings across the UK. Accidental poisoning is rare.