Asked by: Jillian Krauter
Asked in category: business and finance, human resources
Last Updated: 7th Jul 2024

What are the elements of diversity?

Traditional components of group diversity include race, skin color and religion. However, other laws and amendments have included specific age, gender, or sexual orientation as protected diversity classes.

So, what are the three components of diversity?

Diversity reflects the whole spectrum of human demographic differences: race, religion, gender and sexual orientation.

What is diversity training? What is diversity training? It's any program that promotes positive intergroup interaction and reduces prejudice and discrimination.

It is also asked: What are the elements that make diversity unique?

These identities include but are not limited: ability, age, gender identity, expression, immigration status and intellectual differences, national origins, race, religion, sexual orientation, and sexual orientation.

What are the four types of diversity?

We will examine four types of diversity: differences in skill and abilities, personality traits and values, as well as occupation. Each type of diversity will be discussed in detail. Occupation is one type of diversity.