Asked by: Alhassane Walzlein
Asked in category: science, geology
Last Updated: 7th Jul 2024

What does downwelling do to marine life?

Deep ocean ventilation is possible because these waters can bring dissolved oxygen down to the surface to aid in aerobic respiration in organisms throughout their water column.

Also, you might be interested in: How do upwellings impact marine life?

Explanation: The ocean sinks nutrients, which means that deep ocean water has more nutrients than surface water. The surface loses/sink nutrients due to upwelling, which results in "blooms", which are algae and zooplankton that feed on these nutrients.

What happens to the ocean surface during downwelling, other than above? The ocean's surface is pushed away by the winds. A downwelling is also a process where surface water builds up along coastlines and eventually sinks to the bottom.

Another question is: How does downwelling benefit deep-sea organisms?

Sea bottom life is essential for the downwelling or sinking of surface water. This is why upwelling is so important to organisms below the surface. The global conveyer belt is responsible for taking oxygen-rich surface waters and flushing them through the deep ocean.

What causes downwelling?

Downwelling is when the water at the surface of the ocean becomes denser than that below it, and it sinks. Seawater becomes denser as it gets colder and saltier.