Asked by: Wenbo Herzberg
Asked in category: pets, veterinary medicine
Last Updated: 20th May 2024

How can I become a California vet tech?

How to become a vet tech in California
  1. Step 1: Graduating from an AVMA-accredited veterinary technician course.
  2. Step 2: Pass the Veterinary Tech National Exam offered by the American Association of Veterinary State Boards.
  3. Step 3: Pass the California Veterinary Technician Examination.

It is also important to find out how long it takes to become a California vet tech.

2 years

Find out how much vet techs in California make. What is the average veterinary technician salary by state?

State Hourly Wage Annual Salary
California Veterinary Technician Salary $14.92 $31,034
Virginia - Veterinary Technician Salary $14.85 $30,886
Rhode Island Veterinary Technician Salary $14.74 $30,656
Arizona Veterinary Technician Salary $14.60 $30,368

Do you need to be licensed in California to become a vet tech?

While there may be other positions in a veterinarian office that do not require special training, the position as a California veterinary technician requires applicants to be licensed and have completed specific training.

Is it possible to take the vet tech exam without attending school?

Most states require that you have graduated from an accredited veterinary tech program before you can become credentialed. There is currently no alternative route that allows you to take the exam in most states. However, there are some prerequisites that must be met.