Asked by: Zoriana Kluten
Asked in category: automotive, auto insurance
Last Updated: 20th May 2024

What does an umbrella policy include State Farm?

Umbrella policies offer coverage beyond your car liability insurance, particularly if you are the subject of a lawsuit following an accident that involved your vehicle, home, or boat. Contact an agent to learn more about State Farm's umbrella policy.

Is there an umbrella policy for State Farm?

The Personal Liability Umbrella can help protect your future. A major insurance claim or lawsuit can lead to financial loss. The additional coverage that you require to safeguard your financial future may be provided by a State FarmA(r), Personal Liability Umbrella policy (PLUP).

You may also wonder, "What personal umbrella policy covers State Farm?" Personal umbrella excess liability insurance provides liability coverage in situations where the potential liability may exceed the limits of a homeowner's, automobile or watercraft policy.

What does an umbrella policy not cover?

Umbrella insurance does not cover your costs. If you are sued and found responsible for damages, umbrella insurance does not help to cover expenses. It won't cover any other coverage than yours, such as criminal activity or exclusions.

What is the cost of a State Farm umbrella insurance policy?

The Insurance Information Institute estimates that a $1,000,000 umbrella policy costs $150-300 per year. Every additional $1,000,000 dollar of personal liability insurance costs less. Here's what it will cost to me for different levels of my insurance company's umbrella policy.