Asked by: Xuehong Neubert
Asked in category: home and garden, home appliances
Last Updated: 20th May 2024

Can I vent a wood stove through the wall?

Vent wood stoves through an interior wall for best results. The principle behind stovepipes and chimneys for wood-burning stoves, fireplaces, or stovepipes is that the pipe or chimney with the highest heat will deliver more draft to the fire.

How do you install a wood-burning stove through a wall?

Cutting the Holes

  1. Place the stove so that the back is at least 16" from the outside wall.
  2. The 90-degree elbow can be temporarily attached to one end of the long chimney pipe.
  3. Use a stud finder to locate and mark the studs in the wall on each side.
  4. Use a jigsaw to cut the outline of wood paneling.

Can you also vent a wood-burning fireplace horizontally? Wood-burning stoves must be vented through your roof. However, pellet-burning stoves may be vented horizontally through your wall or through the roof. Gas stoves can also be vented horizontally or vertically.

It is also important to understand how far a wood stove should be from a wall.

36 inches

Is it possible to vent a wood stove from a window?

It is designed to vent the smoke out of your house by being placed through a window. These pipes are common on wood stoves. An improper installation could pose a fire hazard. You will need the right materials and a plan to get the stovepipe out of the window.