Asked by: Abed Larratasegui
Asked in category: style and fashion, mens sportswear, style and fashion, mens sportswear
Last Updated: 20th May 2024

How can you tell the top of crown molding?

Crown molding can look great in either its normal alignment or upside down. This makes it difficult for people to identify the end that is supposed to be the top. The end with the most detail is the top and the decorative trim is at the bottom.

Another question is: Can crown molding be installed upside-down?

It is standard to put crown molding with a "thicker" section up, so it's upside-down.

Crown molding is still popular? It's not out of fashion. A style is a mark of high quality and taste. Custom cabinetry, crown moldings, and finished in place wood floors are timeless classics that are never out of fashion.

People also ask: Where do you nail crown molding?"

Crown molding is typically nailed to the ceiling joists and wall studs along its bottom edge. This requires a lot of stud-finder effort. I avoid all that by attaching a plywood backerboard to the top plate (the horizontal framing member higher than the wall studs).

Crown molding can increase home value

It is not easy to install crown molding correctly. It should be professionally painted. A bad job on your home's paint job can do nothing.