Asked by: Onofra Fondo
Asked in category: technology and computing, web development
Last Updated: 20th May 2024

What is a request promise in Nodejs

Request-Promise. Request-Promise. Request - promise provides a Bluebird-powered,.then() method for Request objects. Promises that are not made using http response codes greater than 2xx will be rejected by default.

So, what is request promise?

A promise is an object which serves as a placeholder to a future value. The promise object is returned by your parse() function. then(function(val) console. log(val); ). catch(function(err) { console.

What is a promise-based HTTP client? 1. Promise-based clients return promises, not callsbacks.

How do you keep all your promises?

Promise. all - This method is used when more than one promise has been fulfilled or The promise. All(iterable), returns a promise that resolves after all promises in the iterable argument are resolved or rejects for the reason of the first rejected promise.

How does Node JS promise work?

A promise is basically a advancement of Node callbacks. You may find that your application uses a lot of nested callsback functions while developing it. Nesting callback functions is responsible for this. Imagine if you have to perform multiple nested operations such as this.