Asked by: Melanio Fuchshuber
Asked in category: home and garden, indoor environmental quality
Last Updated: 30th Apr 2024

What is Thhn cable used for?

Common wire for connecting branch circuits or appliances is the Thermoplastic High-Heat Resistant Nylon-Coated Wire, or THHN. Its counterpart is THWN (or THWN-2).

What is Thhn wire good for?

THHN Wire. THHN Wire is used for carrying electrical current to all other power sources in a dwelling or building. This product can be used in almost all types of commercial, industrial and residential buildings. The most common type is the THHN wire.

Is Thhn wire also water-resistant? Nylon coated, thermoplastic, high heat. THHN wire without a double approval of THWN, is not waterproof. The water-resistant symbol with an added "W" signifies that the wire can be used outdoors or in conduit, where THHN cannot. Remember, however, that they are all now combined into one universal wire.

What is the difference between Thhn wire and THWN?

THHN stands for thermoplastic high-heat resistant nylon coated wire. It can be used in dry or damp locations and is rated at a maximum temperature 90AoC (194AoF). The code for THWN-2 is the actual code of the wire. This means it is rated at 90 degrees in both dry and wet locations.

Is Thhn wire safe to use outside?

Because the THWN rating is able to resist water, oil and gases, THHN can still be used as a single conductor wire outdoors or in conduit. Installers may find it difficult to run 3-4 single wires. They will need to either run each one separately or tie them together to make them one.