Asked by: Stere Bañuls
Asked in category: food and drink, world cuisines, food and drink, world cuisines
Last Updated: 16th May 2024

Where can I buy pickling lime in Canada?

Canada does not sell pickling lime. From farmer co-ops. It is technically grade, but I haven't had any problems with mine in the 15 years I've used it. Technical grade calcium oxide can also be purchased from a chemo firm and it works as well.

Is pickling lime the same thing as hydrated lime in this regard?

Calcium hydroxide, also known as slaked limestone, is an inorganic compound that has the chemical formula Ca(OH). It is also known by many other names, such as hydrated lime (or caustic lime), builders' lime, slack or pickling lime, and slack lime (or cal).

Is calcium hydroxide in food a health risk? Food-grade Calcium hydroxide generally is safe. However, you may get poisoned if you consume industrial-grade calcium hydroxide . This can cause severe injury or even death.

How do you pickle lime?

The basic recipe calls for 1 cup pickling lime, 1/2 teaspoon of canning salt, and 1 gallon water. After soaking pickles for at least 24 hours, stirring occasionally, rinse them and then pickle as usual. This solution can also be used to make watermelon rinds or green tomatoes.

What can I replace pickling lime with?

Buy food grade calcium hydroxide. It's easy to find online pickling lime if it's sold in this form. You might find it in your local store during the fall, along with other seasonal canning-related products.