Asked by: Arian Leferenz
Asked in category: science, chemistry
Last Updated: 16th May 2024

What is oxygen in biology?

oxA*yA*gen, E?ks?d??n? (biochemistry) An odorless, colorless, gaseous element. It is represented by the symbol E?ks?d??n and makes up about 21% of the atmosphere. It is biologically important because of its role in many biochemical and physiological processes, particularly of aerobic organisms.

How do you describe oxygen?

Definitions of oxygen in science. Oxygen is a nonmetallic element which exists in its pure form as an odorless, colorless gas. It makes up around 21 percent of Earth's atmosphere. It is the most abundant element found in the Earth's crust. It can be found in many compounds including water, carbon dioxide and iron ore.

The next question is: Why is oxygen so important for biology? Information about oxygen. Most organisms use oxygen to breathe. oxygen is essential for life. oxygen is 3 and is highly toxic. Ozone, on the other hand is an important component in the atmosphere (the "ozone layer") and protects us from the harmful ultraviolet rays of the sun.

What is the oxygen cycle short definition?

Definition of the oxygen cycle. The cycle in which atmospheric oxygen is converted into carbon dioxide by animal respiration and then regenerated by plants through photosynthesis.

What are the main uses for oxygen?

Common uses for oxygen are: steel production, plastics and welding, as well as rocket propellant and oxygen therapy. Life support systems can also be used in spaceflight, aircraft, and submarines.