Asked by: Josee Rikkert
Asked in category: style and fashion, natural and organic beauty
Last Updated: 16th May 2024

How can you become Redken Certified?

Redken Haircolor Certification requires passing a written and practical exam. Passing the exams will assess your technical skills, knowledge about Redken products, principles, and approach to creating specific outcomes.

You may also be curious: How do you become a Redken specialist.

Redken Certified Haircolorists require that stylists pass a written, practical, and scenario test. This test is based on haircolor principles and foil placement. Color correction and brand knowledge are also required. is the best place to find out more about how to become a Redken Certified haircolorist.

Redken Elite is a similar concept. Redken Elite. Platinum & Company is proud to be a Redken Elite salon. This signifies that we adhere to the highest Redken standards in consultation, service, and sales. This distinction is only available to 200 salons worldwide.

Another question is: How do you become certified in color?

These are the steps to becoming a hair-color specialist.

  1. Cosmetology School offers hair color courses.
  2. Get your Professional Cosmetology License.
  3. Learn the formulas to become a hair color expert.
  4. Earn certifications from American Board of Certified haircolorists.
  5. You can market yourself as a hair color specialist.

What does it mean to be a Redken specialist

Redken Specialist is an interactive program that introduces stylists to Redken. It is designed for stylists who are new to Redken (less then 2 years) and want to: Advance their stylist career towards becoming Redken Authority, Redken Certified Stylist or Redken Artist. Redken Authority