Asked by: Teodocia Wiencke
Asked in category: religion and spirituality, buddhism
Last Updated: 16th May 2024

What part of speech is contrive?

Keep trying!
Part of speech transitive verb
inflections: contains, conriving and contrived

People also ask: What is a contrived scenario?

Contrived is an adjective that refers to something artificially planned, especially in a clear way. It can come across as faked, forced, or planned. It is not only drama that can appear contrived. It's possible for someone's speech, wardrobe, and personality to seem contrived.

Is contrived also a negative word The verb contrive can be used in a positive, complimentary manner. The contrive related adjective is used to denote clever thinking.

How do you use contrive to make a sentence?

Examples of contrived in a sentence He conjured an opportunity to meet with the president. These sentences reflect the current usage of "contrive" and were automatically sourced from different online news sources.

What is the synonym for contrived

Synonyms for 'contrived.' His laughter seemed a bit strained. artificial. Artificial accent, as the voice was artificially altered. elaborate. unnatural.