Asked by: Jacquline Sagra
Asked in category: family and relationships, parenting teens
Last Updated: 7th May 2024

What is the life-course perspective theory?

The life course perspective is a multidisciplinary approach to studying people's lives and their structural contexts. The concept of life course refers to age-differentiated social phenomena that are distinct from the same life-cycle stages or the life span.

So, what are the three themes in the life-course perspective?

These include (1) geographical and socio-historical location; (2) timing ; (3) heterogeneity and variability; (4) "linked " lives and social ties; (5) human agency; and (6) how history shapes the future.

The life course theory of criminalology is similar. The life course perspective considers both the long-term and short-term effects of events on an individual's daily life. Although this perspective is supported by many long-standing criminological theories there is still no consensus in the field about the relationship between crime and life course.

People also ask why the life-course perspective is important.

The life course perspective acknowledges the impact of historical changes on human behavior. The life course perspective acknowledges the importance and impact of timing on lives. This is not only in terms chronological age but also in terms biological age, psychological age and social age.

Who is the inventor of the life-course theory?

Glen Elder