Asked by: Radek Llufriu
Asked in category: technology and computing, laptops
Last Updated: 19th May 2024

How can I verify my MSI warranty?

To access the MSI membership site, please sign in. To register for your product, click "HT0_ MY SUITE" tab in on 's left. To view your warranty status, click on "MY WARRANTY" tab in the menu to the left after product registration is complete.

So, how long does the MSI monitor warranty last?

It is warranted to be replaced for 12 months if it meets the original manufacturer's specifications. Optional extension of the 2nd year warranty may be available. The customer will send the defective parts to the designated service center.

Also, know how to find your MSI serial number. Your serial number can be found on the MSI box in which your GE60 arrived. The MSI box should include a sticker with your model name and serial numbers (S/N). My experience is that MSI often begins the serial number along with the model number of the notebook.

How does the MSI warranty work?

MSI will ship your replacement products via UPS or Fed-x Ground Service if the product is still under warranty. All applicable duties and taxes for shipment to or from MicrosoftI must be paid by you. MSI cannot be held responsible for any damage or loss that may occur during shipping.

How can I find out which MSI model I have

Many MSI laptops come with a large sticker under the keyboard that has your model name printed on it. Locate the sticker at the bottom of your laptop if you don't have one. It is located in the battery compartment. The model name is written in the largest font size, and can begin with MS-.