Asked by: Melito Nogues
Asked in category: business and finance, construction industry
Last Updated: 19th May 2024

Roman concrete is so great!

The volcanic ash in Roman concrete prevents cracks and allows them to remain durable. Roman concretes could be placed underwater, making them useful for construction of bridges and other waterside structures.

The question is also, is Roman concrete more superior?

It turns out that Roman concrete is more durable than the ones we have today and actually becomes stronger with time. Portland cement is a mix of silica, limestone, clay and other ingredients that are melted at high temperatures.

Is Roman concrete still being used today, besides the above? Concrete used in modern roads, bridges and buildings can be demolished in as little as 50 years. Concrete structures from the western Roman Empire are still standing, more than 1000 years later.

Hence, why is Roman concrete so important?

They discovered that the Romans used lime and volcanic rock to make concrete. This mortar and volcanic tuff was used to build underwater structures. They were then packed into wooden forms. Roman concrete is more durable than Portland cement and more sustainable to make.

What was the secret ingredient of Roman concrete?

The Roman concrete was made with a mixture of lime and volcanic ash to bond rock fragments. Pliny, a Roman scholar, described concrete structures underwater that were impregnable to waves and made stronger by using volcanic ash and lime. This caught Jackson's attention.