Asked by: Guang Chatelain
Asked in category: medical health, digestive disorders
Last Updated: 19th May 2024

How long does it take for a stapled hemorhoidectomy to heal?

Your Recovery
You may experience some mild bleeding or clear fluids. This happens most often after a bowel movement. These symptoms can last up to two months after surgery. You should be able resume your normal activities within a few weeks.

It is also important to understand what happens after a stapled hemorhoidectomy.

This procedure is less painful than traditional hemorhoidectomy, and patients often return to work earlier. The patient may feel a fullness in the rectum, as if they are unable to urinate. However, this is usually resolved within a few days.

How long does the pain last after hemorhoid surgery? This pain usually disappears within a few days. You might need pain medication during this period. Your anus may experience a little bleeding around 7-10 days following surgery. This happens when your hemorhoid drops off. This is normal.

Also, what relieves the pain following hemorhoid surgery.

Applying ice packs to the anal region may help reduce swelling and ease pain. Regular soaks in warm water (sitzbaths) can help reduce pain as well as muscle spasms. To prevent infection and decrease pain, some doctors might recommend you take an antibiotic (such a metronidazole).

Is hemorhoidectomy considered a major operation?

Hemorrhoidectomy refers to surgery to remove severe or extensive hemorhoids. Although surgical hemorhoidectomy can be the most effective treatment, it can also cause complications.