Asked by: Coronacion Shaiewich
Asked in category: automotive, road side assistance
Last Updated: 19th May 2024

How do you adjust the valves on a Briggs and Stratton 20 hp?


Similar questions are asked about how to adjust the valves of a Briggs & Stratton engine.

How to Adjust the Overhead Valves

  1. Step 1: Remove the brake spring.
  2. Step 2: Insert a small screwdriver in the spark plug hole, and then touch the piston.
  3. Step 3: Place a feeler gauge (or a pin) between the rocker arm and the valve head to check the valve clearance.
  4. Step 4: Turn the rocker screw to adjust the clearances.

How do you adjust the valves of a Briggs & Stratton 18.5 HP engine? How to Adjust Valves on a Briggs & Stratton 18.5

  1. Lift the hood of your lawn tractor.
  2. To remove the bolts that secure the valve cover to your engine block, use a socket of the appropriate size.
  3. Reach under the tractor directly below the engine, and turn the crankshaft of the engine until the bottom (intake), valve spring is fully compressed.

How do you adjust the intake and exhaust valves?

Adjust the intake valve until the exhaust valve opens on the first cylinder of the firing order. While spinning the pushrod, loosen the adjusting nuts slightly and adjust the valve until there is lash in your rocker arm. Turn the pushrod and rocker arm until you feel the tension.

What is the clearance of the valve?

The small spaces between the tops and bottoms of valve stems, and the part that presses on them to open valves, are called valve clearances. Regularly check the clearances and adjust as necessary. After the cylinder head is removed, reset the clearances.