Asked by: Guofen Bandeira
Asked in category: technology and computing, web design and html, technology and computing, web design and html
Last Updated: 19th May 2024

Does Box Shadow need prefix?

Keep in mind the potential performance hit that box-shadow can have for mobile. It is possible to improve the user experience by only using box-shadow on the desktop version of a site. Vendor prefixes are generally not necessary.

Another question is: Does the box shadow work with all browsers?

Box-shadow is available in all browsers. Recent versions of Chrome, Firefox, and Internet Explorer 9 support the box-shadow property in CSS 3.

Another question that might be asked is "What is box shadow?" The box-shadow CSS property adds shadow effects to an element's frame. Multiple effects can be separated by commas. A box shadow can be described using X and Y offsets relative the element, blur, spread radius, and color.

In a similar vein, one might ask: Do we still need vendor prefixes?"

Yes, there will always be. It's an industry standard that vendors use their prefixes on new properties/methods until they become a standard. Instead of searching for those that have not yet been standardized, I recommend checking the ones you intend to use.

How do you do a box shadow in HTML?

box-shadow: #808080; The first negative -5px places the horizontal shadow to the left of the box, while the second negative (-5px) shifts the shadow to the top of the box. You can mix and match negative and positive numbers to get the effect you desire.