Asked by: Nayade Nebuloni
Asked in category: education, standardized testing
Last Updated: 1st Jul 2024

What is the EC 6 exam like?

TExES Core Subjects EC-6 is required to pass in order to teach elementary school students in Texas. The exam is composed of five subtests each graded with 267 multiple-choice questions. Each subtest will take you 5 hours.

How are the EC 6 exam scores calculated?

TExES Core Subjects Passing score The TExES Core Subjects EC-6 exam scores are on a pass/no-pass basis. Candidates must score at least 240 in each subject to pass the exam.

Also, do you have a calculator for the TExES 6 exam? Some TExES exam have an onscreen calculator.

You may also wonder, "What is EC 6 teacher accreditation?"

Core Subjects EC-6 certification allows you to teach English and math at the elementary level. This includes Early Childhood through 6th grades.

Is it difficult to pass the EC 6 generalist test?

CORE Subjects EC-6 can be difficult as you must pass each subtest. Older versions required a passing score and each subtest is timed individually.