Asked by: Sabine Jodike
Asked in category: food and drink, food allergies, food and drink, food allergies
Last Updated: 28th Jun 2024

What is the difference between asthma and anaphylaxis?

Both an asthma attack or anaphylaxis cause the airways to tighten. Runny nose and ahay fevera symptoms are common in either chronic asthma, or adult onset asthma. Anaphylactic episodes are marked by swelling of the face, hives, vomiting, or other digestive symptoms.

It is also important to know if asthma can cause anaphylaxis.

Asthma, food allergy, and high risk anaphylaxis (severe allergic reaction), often occur together. This increases the chance of anaphylaxis resulting in death. Anaphylaxis can also include wheezing, difficulty breathing, and persistent cough.

How can you tell the difference in an anaphylactic and allergic reaction? Anaphylaxis is different from other allergic reactions in that it usually involves more than one part of the body. Symptoms typically begin within 5-30 minutes of an allergic reaction.

An inhaler can be used to treat anaphylaxis.

After epinephrine is given, short-acting bronchodilators (also known as rescuea inhalers), may be used to relieve symptoms of asthma and other breathing problems. Anaphylaxis is not a time to use asthma medications to treat breathing problems.

Does EpiPen help asthma attack?

EpiPen A(r), is the first line of emergency treatment for severe, life-threatening allergic reactions. Follow your doctor's instructions to control asthma after you have used EpiPen . EpiPen A(r) is not recommended before EpiPen B(r).