Asked by: Hani Plocki
Asked in category: sports, scuba diving
Last Updated: 1st Jul 2024

What is Nitrox made from?

Any gas mixture containing nitrogen and oxygen (except trace gases) is called Nitrox. This includes atmospheric air which contains approximately 78% nitrogen and 21% oxygen. Underwater diving is where nitrox is most commonly used. Nitrox can be distinguished from air and treated differently.

What are the benefits of Nitrox diving, you ask?

The Benefits of Diving with Nitrox

  • Longer Bottom Times. Many people dive with Nitrox because it allows them to stay underwater for longer periods of time.
  • Shorter Surface Intervals.
  • Longer Repetitive Dive Times.
  • Reduction in post-dive exhaustion
  • The Oxygen Toxicity Limits and the Depth Limits
  • Use of Special Gear

The next question is: How deep can you go with Nitrox? The danger of oxygen toxicity is well within recreational diving's depth limits. Nitrox can be used to dive at a depth of 121 feet for 32 percent and 36 percent respectively. Divers regularly cruise to these depths or deeper, and many don't even think twice about it.

Similar to the previous question, what's the difference between Nitrox or Air?

Air is essentially 21% oxygen and 79% nitrogen. ANitroxa is any mixture of nitrogen or oxygen. Aenriched aira is a mixture of nitrogen and oxygen that contains more than 21% oxygen.

When is Nitrox best used?

This is the best area to use Nitrox. The decompression times for diving below 50 feet are so long that recreational divers often empty their tanks before they run out.