Asked by: Manuel Boughaba
Asked in category: technology and computing, artificial intelligence
Last Updated: 5th May 2024

What is inductive reasoning? And how does it relate to qualitative research?

This approach seeks to create meanings from the data collection in order to identify relationships and patterns to build a theory. However, the researcher can still use existing theories to formulate the research question.

Inductive reasoning is used in qualitative research.

Inductive approaches are often associated with qualitative research. Deductive approaches, on the other hand, are more frequently associated with quantitative research. After data analysis is complete, the researcher needs to examine existing theories in order for their new theory to be placed within the discipline.

What is inductive reasoning? Inductive logic can be illustrated by the following: "The penny I took out of my bag is a penny." All the coins in the bag, therefore, are pennies. Inductive reasoning can lead to false conclusions even if all the premises are true. Here's an example: Harold is a grandfather.

What kind of reasoning can qualitative research be based on?

Qualitative research often employs inductive thinking, or induction reasoning. It moves from specific observations of individual occurrences to larger generalizations and theories.

What is the difference between inductive and deductive theory

Inductive reasoning and deductive reasoning are two different things. Deductive reasoning tests an existing theory, while inductive reasoning develops a theory. Deductive reasoning is the opposite. It moves from specific observations to broad generalizations.