Asked by: Yunus Burchartz
Asked in category: healthy living, nutrition
Last Updated: 18th May 2024

What is the protein content of red Lobia?

Kidney bean
Nutritional value per 100g (3.5 oz).
Dietary fiber 7.4 g
Fat 0.50 g
Protein 8.7 g
Vitamins Quantity %DV A

How much protein is found in black chana?

1 ounce (28 g) of food provides approximately 3 grams of protein. This is comparable to similar foods such as black beans or lentils (1).

What beans are high in protein, second? 9 Best Beans and Legumes You Can Eat

  1. Chickpeas. Chickpeas, also known as garbanzo beans are a great source for fiber and protein.
  2. Lentils. Lentils are a good source of protein for vegetarians. They can be a great addition to soups or stews.
  3. Peas.
  4. Kidney beans
  5. Black Beans
  6. Soybeans.
  7. Pinto Beans.
  8. Navy Beans.

Black Eyed Peas are a good source for protein.

Black-eyed beans are extremely nutrient-dense and pack a lot of fiber as well as protein in each cup. They are also a good resource of many important micronutrients such as folate, copper and thiamine. One cup (or 170g) of black-eyed beans cooked contains the following nutrients: Protein: 13g

How is Lobia good for your health?

"ALobia is rich in fibre. The soluble kind is what it contains. It binds to cholesterol, helps eliminate it from the body, and keeps constipation away," states Bliss. The potassium found in lobia balances excess sodium and maintains healthy blood pressure.