Asked by: Gullermo Urbana
Asked in category: religion and spirituality, atheism
Last Updated: 18th May 2024

What happened to Lenin's life?

Works: Friends of the People - How They

People also ask: What happened to Lenin 1924?

After falling into a coma, Vladimir Lenin (leader of the October Revolution, founder and first leader of the Soviet Union) died in Gorki, aged 53, on 21 January 1924 at 18:50 EET. Officially, the cause of death was an incurable disease in the blood vessels.

Similar to the question, when did Lenin also die? January 21, 1924

It is also important to find out what happened to the Bolsheviks following Lenin's death.

Leon Trotsky was the Bolshevik who became the most prominent after Lenin's passing. He led a group of his friends. All of these people would die from suspected assassinations. Soon after Lenin's suicide, Stalin was joined by Zinoviev & Kamenev in the Politburo Triumvirate.

Who killed Lenin?

Fanya Kaplan