Asked by: Nelly Falip
Asked in category: home and garden, landscaping
Last Updated: 19th May 2024

How can you cover peas

Peas that are sow in wet or cold soil will rot. Before sowing, cover the soil with polythene and protect seedlings with fleece.

Do peas require something to climb, keeping this in mind?

Although bush peas only measure 2 to 3 feet in height, they can flop to the ground if there isn't something to climb on. Climbing Peas can reach 6-8 feet in height and require a sturdy trellis. Peas climb using 1" tendrils, which wrap around any object less than a quarter of an inch.

You might also wonder if peas are like manure. Peas are able to make their own nitrogen because they have nodules within their roots. They prefer well-drained soil with plenty of humus. don't need manure before planting. Pea Moth infestations can be avoided by sowing early. Tiny caterpillars eat the pods of peas and make a mess.

How can you help Peas?

Pea Plant Support Options: Place stakes every few yards behind your pea plants and tie a strong cotton twine at the top and middle of the stakes. Twine is an pea support . There may be vines that climb the stakes. Pea plants can also be supported by chicken wire or old farm fencing.

What is the best fertilizer to use for peas

Peas are great foragers and don't require much fertilizer, especially nitrogen. Three to four pounds of commercial fertilizer (5-10-10) should be spread over 100 square feet of garden space a day before planting. Next, add it to the soil's top 2 to 3 inches.