Asked by: Eliria Aldon
Asked in category: news and politics, war and conflicts
Last Updated: 18th May 2024

Which countries were part of the Central Powers during World War 1 Jiskha

During World War I, the Central and Allied Powers were at war.
Nation Participated in WWI
Austria-Hungary 28 July 1914
German Empire 1 July 1914
Ottoman Empire 2 August 1914 (secret), 29 October 1914, public
Kingdom of Bulgaria 14 October 1915

What countries were also members of the Central Powers during World War 1?

Britain, France and Russia were all Allies. These countries fought against the Central Powers, which included Germany and Austria-Hungary. On June 28, 1914, a Serb assassinated Archduke Ferdinand of Austria-Hungary.

The next question is: Which country was one the Allied powers? Britain, France and Russia were the major Allied Powers. The Allies were formed primarily to defend against the Axis Powers' attacks. Great Britain, France, and Poland were the original Allies.

Many people also wonder: What countries were part of the Central Powers?

World War One is a conflict among the Central Powers (red) and the Allies. The Central Powers (red), consist of Austria-Hungary and Germany, as well as Bulgaria and the Ottoman Empire. Important allies powers (yellow), include Serbia, Russia and the United Kingdom.

Which countries were on which side of the ww1?

Both sides were represented by

  • Germany, Austria-Hungary, and their allies including Bulgaria.
  • The Triple Entente was a combination of Russia, France and Great Britain.