Asked by: Nector Rothensee
Asked in category: science, chemistry
Last Updated: 28th Jun 2024

What is Hg, the symbol?

Mercury, also called quicksilver, hydrargyrum or mercury, is a chemical element. Its symbol is Hg and its atomic number 80. It has an atomic mass of 200.59.

What does Hg stand for?

Mercury's symbol Hg is derived from its Greek name, Hydrargyrum. This means "liquid silver", a reflection of its shiny surface. Quicksilver is another name for the element.

Furthermore, Mercury should never be touched. Mercury is dangerous and should not be touched. Mercury, the only liquid metal at room temperature, is the only one. Mercury, a liquid metal, absorbs immediately into skin. However, it has a very high vapor pressure so that mercury can be dispersed into the atmosphere from an open container.

This begs the question: Is Mercury an acid?

Chemical properties Mercury is not reactive with most acids, like dilute sulfuric acids. However, oxidizing acid such as concentrated sulfuric acids and nitric acids or aqua regia can dissolve it to make sulfate and nitrate and chloride. Mercury reacts with atmospheric hydrogen sulfuride, just like silver.

What is the symbol for mercury element?
