Asked by: Nieva Magtaz
Asked in category: medical health, mental health
Last Updated: 3rd Jul 2024

What is a tangential thought process?

Tangential speech, also known as tangentiality, is a type of communication disorder that causes the speaker to lose focus and wander from the original topic. Tangential speech may be a sign of right-hemisphere brain injury in some adults.

You may also wonder, "What is tangential thinking?"

TANGENTIAL THINKING: Thinking beyond or around the topic; thoughts diverge. Although the patient appears to be able to answer most questions, they may not know how to answer specific questions.

What is loose association thought process? When thoughts are severely disordered, they lose nearly all connections to one another, and can become disjointed and disconnected. This is known as " loose" association. Simply put, this is when the thinking process gets obstructed and is characterized by weak or loose associations.

People often ask what circumstantial thought is.

Circumstantial speech, also known as circumstantial thinking, is a person who cannot answer a question without providing excessive detail. This is different from tangential thought in that the person eventually returns to the original point.

What is Tangentiality and the Circumstantiality speech?

Circumstantiality is characterized by omissions and remark that seem to be irrelevant. This can lead to a delay in getting the point across. Circumstantial speech is much more direct than tangential speech, in which the speaker drifts off topic and rarely returns to the original topic. It is also far less severe that logorhea.