Asked by: Danila Corvinos
Asked in category: video gaming, console games
Last Updated: 5th Jul 2024

Does Roland die in Borderlands 2?

Roland was taken by the Bloodshots before meeting the Vault Hunters. They were a bandit group that tried to take the bounty off his head. The Vault Hunters save him from Hyperion with the help of Lilith. Roland is killed by Handsome Jack after Angel passes away.

The same goes for Roland's death.

August 15, 778 AD

Roland Good borderlands is another great resource. Roland is a lifesaver. Roland can shoot you, and each bullet will give you health. His turret also has the ability to heal you. Have a great day.

Also, was it possible to ask what happens if you die without any money in Borderlands 2.

You can respawn. You can't deduct any money if you don't own any. It's like it's always a certain percent of your cash. Zero percent is zero.

What happens if Roland isn't saved?

Roland will not be saved in time. The drop barge will transport W4R-D3N along with its captive to Friendship Gulag. This can be reached via fast travel to The Dust. W4R-D3N will then take over a station at the back of facility, forcing another battle through Hyperion forces in order to reach it.