Asked by: Caroll Contact
Asked in category: pets, fish and aquariums
Last Updated: 5th Jul 2024

What are the major water bodies?

There are five types of bodies of water: oceans, seas and lakes, rivers and canals. There are five oceans, including the Atlantic, Pacific and Indian, Arctic, as well as Southern. They cover about 2/3 of the Earth's surface and are saltwater. Seas are made up of salt water and surround by land.

What are the 7 largest bodies of water?

The Seven Seas are the Arctic, North Atlantic and South Atlantic, North Pacifics, South Atlantics, North Pacifics, South Pacifics, South Pacifics, Indians, and Southern Oceans. Although it is not known where exactly the term Seven Seas originated, there are references in ancient literature to the topic that date back thousands years.

Secondly, which are the top 10 largest bodies of water in the world? Top 10 Largest Water Bodies in the World

  • Body of Water
  • Pacific Ocean. Atlantic Ocean.
  • Indian
  • Arctic Ocean
  • South China Sea
  • Caribbean Sea.
  • Mediterranean Sea
  • Bering Sea

What is the definition of a body water?

Any significant accumulation of water on the planet's surface is called a body of water (or waterbody). This term is most commonly used to refer to oceans and seas as well as lakes. However, it also includes smaller pools of water like ponds, marshes, or, less often, puddles.

What are the various water forms?

Water can be found in oceans and seas, lakes, rivers, glaciers, groundwater, and in the atmosphere. Water is available in many forms. There are three types of water on the Earth's surface: liquid, solid and gaseous.