Asked by: Candy Rapp
Asked in category: news and politics, war and conflicts
Last Updated: 5th Jul 2024

How did Menelaus become king of Sparta?

Menelaus was the suitor who won (Tyndareus offered Clytaemnestra, another one of his daughters, to displease Agamemnon). After the other suitors had taken their vows, Helen and Menelaus were united in marriage, with Menelaus being a ruler of Sparta together with Helen, after Tyndareus, Leda, and Leda abdicated from the thrones.

You may also wonder, "Was Menelaus King in Sparta?"

Menelaus is a Greek mythological king of Sparta, and the younger son of Atreus king of Mycenae. The Trojan War was started by the abduction his wife Helen. Menelaus was the commander in chief for the Greek forces under his older brother Agamemnon during the war.

Who was the Trojan War's Menelaus's killer? Paris seeks Menelaus to fight hand-to-hand for Helen. Hector kills Menelaus after Paris is hurt.

Keep this in mind, what happens after the Trojan War to Menelaus?

Menelaus and Helen returned to Sparta after the Greeks defeated Troy. Menelaus was immortalized because he had married a daughter from Zeus. He was with Helen in Elysium. This is a place of perfect happiness in the afterlife. Also see: Agamemnon, Greek Mythology, Helen Of Troy; Paris; Trojan War.

What does Menelaus think about the Trojan War

Menelaus recounts the legend of the Trojan horse and Odysseus’s clever gambit which allowed the Greeks into Troy to kill the Trojans. Menelaus recounts the story of his return to Troy the next day. He claims that he was forced, while stranded in Egypt to capture Proteus the divine Old Man from the Sea.