Asked by: Huihui Tosello
Asked in category: hobbies and interests, woodworking
Last Updated: 5th Jul 2024

How can you obtain boreal wood from Terraria

You can get it by cutting down trees in the Snow Biome. Boreal Wood has slightly higher stats for tools, armor, and weapons than Wood Armor.

You might also ask: How do you make Terraria's sawmill loom?

Take 5 bars and make an anvil on your workbench. To make 10 chain, use 1 bar. Now you should have two bars, 10 chains, and 10 wood. You should now be able to craft a sawmill. Craft it, place it on the floor, and voila!

What are the other blocks in Terraria? 192 blocks

You may also be interested in how to get torches to Terraria.


  1. Made with. 1 Gel. 1 Wood.
  2. Made at. Anywhere.
  3. Material in. Cursed Torch. Ichor Torch. Ice Torch. Campfire. Flaming Arrow. Hellfire Arrow. Chinese Lantern. Tiki Torch. Lamp Post. Skull Lantern. Jack 'O Lantern. Hanging Jack O Lantern Jackelier. Furnace. Chandelier. Candle. Candelabra. Platinum Candle. Platinum Candelabra.

How can I become a traveling merchant?

The chance of spawning the Traveling Merchant is 1 in 108,000 for each tick in the first half of every day (4:30 AM to 12:00 PM = 7.5 Hours = 27,000 ticks). The Traveling Merchant has a 1.1% chance to arrive each day.