Asked by: Mahammed Comesaña
Asked in category: home and garden, landscaping, home and garden, landscaping
Last Updated: 5th Jul 2024

What do you call a gardener?

Gardener is a person who grows flowers in a garden as a hobby or work. You're a farmer if you grow vegetables professionally. But if you tend to, care for, or design a flower garden, then you're a gardener.

Consider this: What is another name for a gardener, then?

This page contains 11 synonyms, anonyms, idiomatic phrases, and related words to gardener. These include: truck farmer, vegetable grower and truck farmer, nurseman, seedman, caretaker and landscaper. Greenskeeper, landscape-gardener and landscape architect. Horticulturist

What is the job description for a gardener? A Gardener's job is to maintain the beauty and health of plants, trees, and outdoor grounds. They are responsible for general maintenance tasks such as designing, producing, renewing, and preserving outdoor spaces. Local gardeners can work at nurseries, hotels, farms, and parks.

What is a female gardener?

A plantsman is a knowledgeable and enthusiastic gardener, professional or amateur, or a nurseryman or nurse. Although "plantsman" can be used to refer to either a male or a female person, the terms plantswoman or plantsperson are sometimes used.

What does Gardner mean?

It is believed that it is an occupational surname derived from the word "gardener", according to some sources. Others claim it is derived Saxon words gar, which means "a weapon", and dyn which means "sound or alarm", combined. This gives rise to the name "Gairden-er", which translates into "a warrior", or "one who bears armour".