Asked by: Anina Sigel
Asked in category: science, chemistry, science, chemistry
Last Updated: 28th Jun 2024

What is a neutral subatomic particle found in the nucleus of an atom?

The neutral subatomic particle, the neutron, is a component of all atomic nuclei except ordinary hydrogen. It is free of any electric charge and has a rest mass of 1.67493A 10a27 kgamarginally less than the proton, but almost 1,839 times more than the electron.

Just as in the above example, which subatomic particle can be found in an atom's nucleus and is electrically neutral?


Subatomic Particles - Term Definition The neutrons and protons in an atom.
Term Proton Definition A subatomic particle with a positively charged charge that is found in the nucleus an atom.
Term Neutron Definition A subatomic particle that is electrically neutral (uncharged) and found in the nucleus an atom.

What particles are found within an atom's nucleus? The smallest of the three particles making up an atom are electrons. The nucleus of anatom's nucleus is enclosed in orbitals or shells that contain electrons. Protons, neutrons can be found in the nucleus. They are found in the middle of an atom.

Second, which subatomic particle is charged and found in an atom's nucleus?


What is the composition of quarks?


A proton is made up of two up quarks and one down quark. The gluons that mediate their forces "bind" them together are also included. Although individual quarks can assign different colors, all three must be present.
Composition Elementary particle
Types 6 (up, down strange, charm, bottom and top)