Asked by: Algimantas Hetman
Asked in category: medical health, brain and nervous system disorders
Last Updated: 5th May 2024

What is a motor neuron quizlet?

motor neuron. - neuron which innervates muscle fibres. -cell bodies, dendrites and spinal cord are located in the brainstem and spinal cord. They are organized into motor neurons pools. The -axon of motor neurons divides into many branches. Each branch forms a single junction and connects to a muscle fiber.

You might also wonder, "What is a motor nerve?"

Motor neurons (or motoneurons) are neurons whose cell bodies are located in the motor cortex or brainstem and whose fiber projects to the spinal chord or outside the cord to control effector organs (mainly muscles and glands).

You might also wonder what the difference is between motor and sensory neurons quizlet. The difference is that motor neurons carry information away while sensory neurons transmit information to the CNS. Motor neurons are autonomous - they transmit signals to organs like the heart, intestines and glands.

What is a quizlet about a motor vehicle?

motor unit. It consists of a motor unit, a somatic motor neuraln, and all the muscles it innervates. Motor units can be of different sizes.

Which one of these defines a motor-unit?

A motor unit is composed of a motor nerve and the skeletal muscles fibers innervated through that motor neuron’s axonal termins. Motor units are often grouped together to coordinate contractions within a single muscle. All motor units within a muscle can be considered a motor pool.