Asked by: Yony Evald
Asked in category: medical health, foot health
Last Updated: 28th Jun 2024

What exercises can be used to treat trigger finger?

1. Finger extensor stretch
  • Place your hand flat on a table, or other solid surface.
  • Hold the finger in your other hand.
  • Slowly lift the fingers up and leave the rest of the fingers flat.
  • The finger can be lifted and stretched as high as you like without straining.
  • Keep it there for a few seconds, then let it go.

Similarly, does trigger finger go away?

Sometimes, the condition will resolve itself if it occurs suddenly after an activity. If the condition becomes severe and causes finger stiffness or pain, or if the patient has diabetes, surgery is often necessary.

What happens if trigger finger isn't treated? Trigger finger can become permanently bent if it isn't treated. This could make it difficult to do everyday tasks. Trigger finger can affect only one finger. However, trigger finger can also affect multiple fingers.

Keep this in mind, how do I treat trigger fingers at home?

Home treatments include:

  1. Take a break for 4 to 6 weeks from repetitive activities
  2. Wear a brace/splint to restrain motion and reduce strain.
  3. To reduce swelling, heat or ice can be used.
  4. Warm water can be used to relax muscles and tendons by soaking your hands several times throughout the day.

How can you get rid of trigger finger?

There's two types:

  1. Percutaneous release: A doctor will first numb your palm and then insert a needle around the tendon.
  2. Tenolysis, also known as trigger finger release surgery, is a procedure that involves a small cut at one's finger base and a opening of the tendon sheath.