Asked by: Xianwei Sessa
Asked in category: business and finance, healthcare industry, business and finance, healthcare industry
Last Updated: 4th Jul 2024

What are MDC codes?

Source: Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
MDC codes, similar to diagnosis-related group codes (DRG), are primarily a claims- and administrative data element that is unique to the United States medical insurance reimbursement system. DRG codes can also be mapped or grouped into MDC codes.

What is the purpose of MDC, besides?

The Major Diagnostic Categories (MDCs) are formed by dividing all possible diagnoses (from ICD-9 -CM) into 25 mutually exclusive diagnostic areas. Each MDC is associated with a specific medical specialty and corresponds to a single cause or organ system.

Similar question: How many MDCs do you have? 25 MDCs

What is an MDC, you ask?

LDC (less developed nation) refers to a country in its early stages of development. An MDC is a country in the later stages. It has higher incomes and industrialization as well as lower growth.

What is DRG Coding?

The diagnosis-related group (DRG), is a system that classifies hospital cases into one or more of the original 467 groups. The last group (coded as 47 through v24, 999 afterward) is "Ungroupable". This system is also known as "the DRGs", because it was designed to identify the "products” that a hospital provides.