Asked by: Raphael Espluga
Asked in category: business and finance, biotech and biomedical industry
Last Updated: 30th Apr 2024

Is there stomata at the leaf's top?

Stomata are typically found on the undersides of leaves in terrestrial plants. Some floating aquatic plants like water lilies have their upper sides of the Leaf. Submerged aquatic plants don't have tomata. The upper epidermis is the topmost layer of a leaf.

People often ask why there are less stomata at the leaf's top.

Because they are more exposed and therefore have less stomata, the stomata on the upper leaf part have fewer. Because there is less sunlight reaching the lower parts, there are more stomata.

The stomata can also be found within a leaf. Most stomata can be found under the leaves (on their underside). This is done to prevent water loss. They are shaded from the sun by the leaf so that the sun can't evaporate the water which keeps the stomata's structure intact.

In the same way, one might ask: What plants have stomata at the top of the leaf?"

Monocotyledons like onion, oat, and maize might have approximately the same amount of stomata at both leaf surfaces. plants that have floating leaves may only have stomata, while submerged leaves might not have tomata. Most tree species only have stomata on the leaf surface.

What factors affect the number of stomata per leaf?

There are many species of plants that have different amounts of stomata. The leaf has a lower total of stomata than its upper surface. Evidence has been found that suggests that the stomata density changes in response to changes in atmospheric carbon dioxide levels.