Asked by: Rufina Caballer
Asked in category: pets, cats
Last Updated: 6th May 2024

Is Squirrel legal in India?

It is legal to keep any animal that isn't in the extinct group if you are able to handle it. Any person who is able to obtain wild or captive animals must report it within 48 hours to the nearest station or authorised officer and give them as government property.

Know which pets are banned in India?

Parrots (there are not parrots in Indian wild), Mice, Guinea Pigs, Rodents, and Mice are all prohibited pets in India .

In the same way, in which states is it legal to own a squirrel? Flying squirrels can be kept as pets in the following states: Alaska, Arkansas. Connecticut. Georgia. Idaho. Iowa. Kansas. Kentucky. Louisiana. Mississippi. Missouri. Nebraska. New Hampshire. New Jersey. New York. North Carolina. Ohio. Pennsylvania. New Mexico. Rhode Island. Texas.

You might also wonder if it is legal to own a squirrel.

In most states, it is illegal to keep a squirrel as a pet. You will need to verify the laws in your specific state before you purchase one. It is illegal to keep a pet squirrel if it is considered wild animals.

Is tortoise keeping illegal in India?

Red footed tortoise, a South American native, is legal in India as a pet. The wild life conservation authorities have placed it again under surveillance due to its endangered status. While it is illegal to breed another species, ownership and import are legal.