Asked by: Lindalva Castrillejo
Asked in category: medical health, infectious diseases
Last Updated: 19th May 2024

Is WBC going to be raised with cellulitis?

Cellulitis is often diagnosed based upon its appearance. Sometimes, doctors may examine a person's blood to determine if there are high levels of white blood cells . This means that the immune system has been fighting an infection. An elevated white blood count is not always a sign of an infection.

Cellulitis can also be detected in blood tests.

Cellulitis can be diagnosed by your doctor by simply looking at your skin. Sometimes, your doctor may recommend blood tests or other tests to rule out other conditions.

What lab tests can be done to diagnose cellulitis? For patients suffering from soft-tissue infections, the IDSA recommends bloodwork. These tests include complete blood cell (CBC), complete blood cell (CBC with differential), blood cultures, blood levels of creatinine and bicarbonate, creatine-phosphokinase (CRP), and blood cultures.

Cellulitis can also cause low white blood cells.

Cellulitis and erysipelas are usually diagnosed clinically. A complete blood count will often reveal leukocytosis in patients with more than 13,000 white blood cells/AuL. Some patients don't have fevers or leukocytosis.

What are the signs and symptoms of cellulitis?

Cellulitis often affects the legs. Cellulitis does not spread. severe Cellulitis can cause complications such as the spread of the infection to other areas , and/or body tissues.

Cellulitis facts

  • redness,
  • Tenderness and pain
  • swelling,
  • Lymph nodes that are too large and.
  • Warmth in the affected area.