Asked by: Janie Pino
Asked in category: music and audio, education podcasts, music and audio, education podcasts
Last Updated: 19th May 2024

What is maritas bargain?

Gladwell often analyzes aspects of everyday life and offers fascinating ideas about human behavior and social phenomena. "Marita's bargain" is an excerpt from Gladwell's third book Outliers:The Story of Success. In it, he examines the reasons that some people are successful and others don't.

What is Marita's main idea behind Marita’s bargain?

Summary. Summary. KIPP was a school that aimed to educate children from poor neighborhoods and those who were least fortunate. These children were given a huge advantage by being taught for longer hours and more days.

Marita's bargain also has a political message. Malcolm Gladwell's "Marita’s bargain" is a powerful political message. He provides strong, scientific evidence that a schooling system that is different from all others in America is working. It has helped kids from the most disadvantaged neighborhoods of New York City get into college and out of poverty.

How old is Marita in Marita’s bargain?

Twelve years old

Marita's bargain: Where is the school Gladwell focuses his attention on?

Gladwell opens Chapter 9, "Marita's Bargain", by giving a brief history about the KIPP (or 'Knowledge Is Power Program'), middle school in New York. The lottery selects KIPP students, most of whom come from relatively poor families.