Asked by: Forrest Petterson
Asked in category: science, space and astronomy, science, space and astronomy
Last Updated: 19th May 2024

What are the two rays of an angle called?

In plane geometry, an angle is a figure formed by two rays (called the sides of the angle) that share a common endpoint called the vertex the angle.

You may also wonder, "What angle do the two rays form?"

Straight Angle - A 180 degree angle. Two rays, which share a common vertex but point in opposite directions, create this ray.

What are two rays that have the same endpoint? An angle is the union or combination of two rays that have a common endpoint. The vertex of an angle is the common endpoint of the two rays. The sides of the angle are the rays themselves.

Then, you might also wonder, "What are the two ways to name a Ray?"

Rays are often referred to in two ways:

  1. By two points. The ray is called AB in the figure at the top because it starts at point A and travels through point B on its journey to infinity.
  2. A single letter. The ray above would simply be called "q".

What are the 7 types?

There are several types of angles: Acute, Right and Obtuse Angles, Straight Anlges, Reflex Anlges, and Straight Anlges. An angle is formed when two lines intersect.