Asked by: Diocleciano Timiskov
Asked in category: technology and computing, databases
Last Updated: 19th May 2024

What is NHibernate c#?

Software category: Object relational mapping

What is NHibernate, in C#?

NHibernate, an object-relational mapping (ORM) solution for the. NET Platform. It is a framework that allows you to map an object-oriented domain model to a relational database. Its main feature is the mapping from to. It can map NET classes from database tables to CLR data types and SQL data types to SQL databases.

Similar to the above, which entity framework is better? Entity Framework Core uses code-based configuration and fluent, or attribute-based mappings. While NHibernate has powerful custom conventions, EF Core doesn't. NHibernate is better at this moment. Both need mappings in some form.

Afterwards, you might also wonder, "What is dapper about C#?"

Dapper is either a micro ORM (or it's a simple object mapping framework) that helps to map the query output to a C# or domain class. Dapper makes it easy to execute a SQL query against a database to get the result mapped into a C# domain class.

What is NHibernate?

NHibernate, an open-source ORM framework, is available. This layer is intended to be used exclusively by the. Net Framework based on Object Relational Mapping Technique. This tool creates a virtual representation of database objects within code.