Asked by: Sushil Casali
Asked in category: medical health, bone and joint conditions, medical health, bone and joint conditions
Last Updated: 19th May 2024

What is popliteal artery?

The popliteal arterial is the continuation and extension of the femoral. It begins at the adductor hiatus of the adductor magnus muscles of the thigh. It continues to descend, and it crosses the popliteal fossa posteriorly to the knee joint.

What is the purpose of the popliteal arterial?

Numerous branches of blood supply the structures of the knee, and lower extremity are provided by the popliteal artery. The superior medial and superiorlateral genicular blood vessels, which originate above the knee joint, connect to the deep femoral arterial to provide collateral blood flow proximal the knee.

What muscles is the popliteal arterial responsible for supplying? The popliteal artery supplies the muscles of the hamstring and gastrocnemius. Clinically important anastomoses exist between the superior muscular branches and the terminal part the deep femoral or gluteal arteries.

What happens if the popliteal vein is blocked?

Long-term pressure on a popliteal artery can cause it to narrow (stenosis), which can lead to pain and cramping when you do not move much, such as walking. In extreme cases that are not diagnosed, nerves and muscles can be damaged in the leg. Deep vein thrombosis can lead to blood clots in the lower leg.

What is the popliteal?

Anatomical terminology. Anatomical terminology. The popliteal fossa bones are the femur, and the tibia.