Asked by: Zarek Fregenal
Asked in category: medical health, diabetes
Last Updated: 1st May 2024

Is polyneuropathy possible to cure?

Although neuropathy can't be completely cured once it has started, there are ways to improve the outcome. Some nerve fibers may slow regenerate if the nerve cells are still alive. Future nerve damage can be prevented by addressing the root cause.

Is there therefore a treatment for polyneuropathy

However, not all neuropathies are curable. These cases are treated to control and manage symptoms, and prevent further nerve damage. The following options are available to treat pain:

What is the best treatment of neuropathy? The cause of peripheral neuropathy will determine the treatment. Common treatments include surgery, physical therapy, and injections to increase nerve pressure. Other options include over-the-counter painkillers like ibuprofen and aspirin to reduce pain and discomfort.

You might also be interested in reverse peripheral neuropathy.

The cause of nerve damage is crucial for effective treatment and prognosis of peripheral neuropathy. A vitamin deficiency may cause peripheral neuropathy. Vitamin therapy and a better diet can help.

Can you die from polyneuropathy?

Peripheral neuropathy complications This can cause tissue death (gangrene) and, in extreme cases, may require the amputation of the affected foot. Peripheral neuropathy can affect the nerves that control the automatic functions of your heart and circulatory system (cardiovascular neuropathy).