Asked by: Nelutu Lapieza
Asked in category: religion and spirituality, agnosticism, religion and spirituality, agnosticism
Last Updated: 21st May 2024

What was the Tin Man looking for?

search of a brain, a Tin Man (Jack Haley) looking for a heart, and a Cowardly Lion (Bert Lahr) in need of some courage. They are tortured by the witch but they reach the Emerald City.

What was the Tin Man looking at in the Wizard of Oz, too?

She meets a Scarecrow, Tin Man, and Cowardly Lion on her journey. They hope the Wizard of Oz will help, before the Wicked Witch of the West comes after them.

What does the Tin Man represent? The Tin Man is a representation of the factories and workers during the 1890s, when there was depression. The factories were closed down and the Tin Man was found when he was first discovered. He is so rusted that it is impossible for him to move.

It is also important to understand why the Tin Man wanted a heart.

Tin Man was once a human woodsman, who fell in love and wanted to marry a Munchkin girl. The Wicked Witch of the East tried to stop the marriage and so she enchanted the axe of the woodsman so that it cut off his leg. He desires a heart to rekindle his feelings for the girl and to marry her.

What was the tinman lacking?

The Tin Woodman declares unambiguously that he does not have a heart or brain but cares nothing about the loss of his brain.