Asked by: Aroia Carregui
Asked in category: business and finance, green solutions
Last Updated: 22nd May 2024

How many Earths would it require to sustain me?

According to some estimates, if every person on the planet ate as much as an average American citizen, then four Earths would be required to sustain them.

Furthermore, how many Earths do we use?

World Footprint Today, humanity uses an equivalent of 1.75 Earths for the resources we need and to absorb our waste. It now takes Earth eight months to re-create what it uses in a single year.

Second, how many Earths are we going to need by 2050? 2050 will have 9 billion people on our planet.

How many hectares is it required to provide for your lifestyle?

It is 2 to 4 hectares. However, this area would double if the land was distributed equally among the Earth's inhabitants. If every person on the planet could live like you, then we would require at least one additional planet to provide enough land to sustain us. This category includes approximately 15% of the world’s population.

How many Earths would it take to live like a Canadian?

It would take 4.7 Earths for global consumption to be sustained if everyone lived like Canadians.